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Expert Resources
Expertly crafted resources to help you educate yourself about fertility, pregnancy and parenthood, empowering you to manage your own journey.
Wondering if it’s normal for sperm or semen to leak out after sex? Learn why this happens, its impact on fertility, and what you can do.
Fetal ultrasound measurements can show how the baby is growing and detect abnormalities.
The Stand and Carry Sex position is performed with the male partner holding the female partner in his arms during intercourse or penetration.
I have no period and did not bleed at all even after taking Provera. What does this mean?
Why are my breasts be sore and tingling after ovulation? There can be several reasons for breast soreness, ranging from an impending menstrual period to a pregnancy.
Can you get pregnant from dried sperm?
During pregnancy, hCG levels have clear patterns. Find out more about hCG and use our free hCG calculator.
Learn the earliest pregnancy signs!
Flu season in the United States typically starts in October and runs through March but expectant mothers-to-be should consider taking precautions before and after that range of time. Pregnancy puts you at an increased risk of getting the flu and catching colds.
What you may consider implantation spotting can sometimes be the sign of an early period and that means you are not pregnant. If you have spotting right around the time your period would normally start, it can be even more confusing.
Though breastfeeding is beneficial for both mom and baby, it is not always easy. A good lactation consultant can be a godsend. They will be able to provide detailed instructions about the breastfeeding process, not to mention a good dose of emotional support and encouragement.
Pregnant women used to be told to eat for two during pregnancy. But eating for the baby is much more involved than simply eating more food.
From golden to red hues and sweet to tart flavors, apples can please almost any palate. Apples are full of antioxidants which are linked to the prevention and control of gestational diabetes.
The timing of the menstrual cycle and ovulation is one of the most important things a woman should understand about her body since it is the determining factor in getting pregnant.
Sex in pregnancy aka pregnant sex is safe as long as you understand when to do it and when not and under what circumstances you should not have pregnant sex.
Learn how to increase your chances of getting pregnant by finding out exactly when, and if you ovulate. Charting your basal body temperature (BBT) will help you learn more about your fertility and can be a very exciting way to get pregnant.
Checking your cervical mucus for fertility charting can improve your chances of getting pregnant.
When does nausea and vomiting and morning sickness in pregnancy start? And more importantly, when does it stop? Between 50-80% of pregnant women have morning sickness, and it happens in about 70-80% of pregnancies.
Here's the lowdown on your first visits and tests.
New! Find your best days to conceive.
Cervical mucus plays a vital role in getting pregnant.
Although it’s more difficult to chart when you work at night, it’s still possible.
Learn the basics of how to get an accurate reading.
Learn if your BBTs are normal.
You can plan for the holiday and your birth at the same time!
What would the holidays be without food and family?
Don't wait until the last minute.
You can have an enjoyable holiday season while pregnant.
Take a new approach to holiday tree trimming with these tips!
Precision Tools
Calculators and tests to help you get quick answers to your most burning questions and plan your next steps.
Calculate your implantation!
Enter your own or someone else's birthday and our calculator will tell your exact age in years, months, days, hours, and seconds!
This hCG calculator and hCG levels chart assess whether your hCG levels are rising normally and doubling normally.
The babyMed Labor Contractions Timer Tool allows you to follow your contractions as labor begins and as it progresses toward delivery. When timing labor contractions, start counting from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next. Follow your contractions and calculate everything about them: How long they last, how far apart they are and how frequent they become. This counting tool automatically calculates the number of contractions, length, interval, and other important information.
What color eyes will your baby have? Brown? Green? Blue?
Find your fertile days accurately!
Accurately calculate your pregnancy due date and explore our comprehensive week-by-week conception calendar. Stay informed about your pregnancy journey.