Your Trusted Companion on the Journey to Parenthood
Discover our suite of meticulously designed tools and curated resources to guide you at every step on your path to parenthood, including preparing for, planning and nurturing your pregnancy. Start your journey with us today.
Expert Resources
Expertly crafted resources to help you educate yourself about fertility, pregnancy and parenthood, empowering you to manage your own journey.
Sperm leakage happens. Some women notice some discharge immediately after sex and think that sperm and semen leaking out of the vagina is the cause of infertility. Is it?
During pregnancy, hCG levels have clear patterns. Find out more about hCG and use our free hCG calculator.
Fetal ultrasound measurements can show how the baby is growing and detect abnormalities.
The Stand and Carry Sex position is performed with the male partner holding the female partner in his arms during intercourse or penetration.
I have no period and did not bleed at all even after taking Provera. What does this mean?
Why are my breasts be sore and tingling after ovulation? There can be several reasons for breast soreness, ranging from an impending menstrual period to a pregnancy.
Can you get pregnant from dried sperm?
Precision Tools
Calculators and tests to help you get quick answers to your most burning questions and plan your next steps.
Calculate your implantation!
Enter your own or someone else's birthday and our calculator will tell your exact age in years, months, days, hours, and seconds!
This hCG calculator and hCG levels chart assess whether your hCG levels are rising normally and doubling normally.
The babyMed Labor Contractions Timer Tool allows you to follow your contractions as labor begins and as it progresses toward delivery. When timing labor contractions, start counting from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next. Follow your contractions and calculate everything about them: How long they last, how far apart they are and how frequent they become. This counting tool automatically calculates the number of contractions, length, interval, and other important information.
What color eyes will your baby have? Brown? Green? Blue?
Find your fertile days accurately!
Find out how many weeks pregnant you are with our week-by-week calculator and calendar.