Top 7 Things To Do When You Find Out You Are Pregnant


Obie Editorial Team

When you discover you’re pregnant for the first time, it can be overwhelming even if you’ve been planning for it. When you take your pregnancy test and it turns out positive, there are a few things you should do first so you can take your whole pregnancy test one step at a time.

1. Calculate the due date

That is really important and everything you do during pregnancy is based on far along you are and what the due date is. Calculate the due date here. and also find out the day that you got pregnant and the milestones of your pregnancy. Then, use the babyMed week-by-week pregnancy calendar to find out exactly on which dates you will be how far along. You also want to download the babyMed Pregnancy App to use throughout the pregnancy.

2. Make a decision about how to announce the pregnancy

You can take some time to think about how you’re going to break the news before you tell your partner. You'll want to pick the perfect time and location so that it would be memorable. Once your partner knows, discuss how you want to announce it to your families. Maybe you want to take them out to dinner, or have dinner at your house. If they live far away, you might want to Zoom/FaceTime instead of calling them on the phone. Keep in mind, you don’t have to inform your families right away. You can take some time and thoroughly talk about what you plan to do first.

3. What you should and should not do during pregnancy

Pregnancy is different from not being pregnant. There are now two to consider, so you need to first read the babyMed Pregnancy Safety Guide, such as how to eat better, and what foods to avoid in pregnancy.  There are many things you should not do in pregnancy including certain foods, no alcohol, no cigarette smoke, not too much caffeine, certain medications, recreational drugs like marijuana, and various toxins, as well as certain activities and behaviors.

4. Be ready for your body and your baby

As soon as you are pregnant, your body will change and announce the pregnancy. Learn about all potential pregnancy symptoms. Think about what may happen.  You may feel a powerful rush of emotions, so take a minute to process and revel in them. If you’ve been trying to get pregnant, you may feel elated, overjoyed, or just insanely excited. Before jumping up and yelling about it to your spouse, take a few minutes for yourself.

5. Make your first prenatal appointment

The next step is making your first prenatal appointment and getting insured if you aren’t already or if your insurance doesn’t have the necessary coverage. Making an appointment should be fairly easy. Contact your primary care physician and ask if he can recommend anyone. 

6. Seek out items your baby will need

Now it’s time to think about what you will need for the baby. One of my friends started buying diapers in bulk so by the time she had her daughter, she didn’t need to go out for diapers for months. You should start getting a nursery together and buying small things you’ll eventually need like baby proofing materials, bottles, pacifiers, and bibs and burp cloths by the hundreds. You can wait until after baby showers to get more things because family members often buy large items like cribs and strollers. However, if you don’t think you’ll be getting these items you can start shopping now.

7. Figure out your finances

Though they are worth every penny, babies cost a lot of money. Find out from your family and friends what they already have, then make a list of what else you need.