35 Weeks Pregnant

Pregnancy Week by Week

Obie Editorial Team

Your baby, your body, your partner and the prenatal visit, plus tips for the 35th week of pregnancy.

Your baby

The baby weighs in at more than 5 ½ pounds by the 35th week. This number is just an average as some babies are born full-term weighing only 5 ½ pounds. There is very little room left in the uterus, so when your baby moves, you will feel it! It is common to visibly see movement through the skin of the abdomen from time to time including kicking, punching, and rolling. In boys, testes are completely descended from the abdomen into external sacs.

Your body

Nothing is more important right now than eating right, drinking water, and resting. There should be no lifting, jumping, or running in the mix for you from the 35th week until active labor begins. Some doctors will approve light exercise like yoga or walking during the last month of pregnancy, while others may opt for bed rest. Women pregnant with multiples will likely be on bed rest from now until birth.

At the prenatal visit

Weekly prenatal visits are now starting. During visits, the doctor may check the cervix to see if there is any change. Early on, change to the cervix is normal and does not mean labor is imminent. Vaginal exams are also used to determine fetal position. Now is the time during pregnancy when women “feel” pregnant. The weight of the uterus puts pressure on internal organs and extremities. Fatigue is a daily problem and all you may want to do is rest.

Your partner

Intimacy may change a bit from the 35-week mark until several weeks after the baby is born. Mom may feel uncomfortable with her body and that can cause a lack of intimacy. If both parties are in the mood for lovemaking, the spoon position is ideal during the latter weeks of pregnancy.

Tips for this week

If you are behind in making preparations for the big day, now is the perfect time to call in favors from friends and family. Packing the hospital bag may seem like a small task, but so does lacing up sneakers. However, no tasks are small for a woman carrying a near full-term infant in her uterus. Take the time to sit down and have a few cups of hot tea with the people closest to you. Some women even choose to throw a helping party where friends and family gather to help with final preparations for the baby.