The birthing process is a very intimate time for you and your partner. After nearly 10 months of carrying baby, feeling movements and kicks and enduring the good and bad changes associated with pregnancy, labor starts and you're finally at that moment when you'll meet baby for the first time. Before labor begins, you may have to deal with the idea that someone other than you and your partner want to
attend the birth. Should your mom be in the delivery room or should this event be kept between you and your partner? Here are a few things to consider:
- Labor can be long and intense. Your partner may need some time off to eat, rest or simply walk around a bit.
- Mom can be extremely supportive and help pick up the slack when your partner is out of the room.
- Your relationship with your mother may answer the question without debate.
- Your partner should be considered before making a final decision.
Having mom in the delivery room is a given for some couples and a serious topic of debate for others. The answer is not always the same for everyone.