Guests in the delivery room are a topic couples should discuss well before labor begins. How many
people do you want around during labor? Is there a difference for you between labor guests and guests who you want to experience the active pushing phase? Where will guests be situated during delivery? Here are a few tips that may help make the decision process easier:
- Some hospitals have rules about the number of people allowed in the delivery room. Check hospital rules before discussing your thoughts on the topic.
- If there are no hospital rules, guests don't have to know. Tell guests there is a two or three-person limit. This saves you from hurting any feelings while protecting your privacy.
- Set rules early and tell everyone about those rules. The rules need to include how many guests will be allowed in at a time and who is invited to the actual birthing process.
- Don't forget to address intimacy. Remember, you're naked from the waste down during labor – so think about who you really want to be a part of the active birthing phase.
- Piggyback recovery rules. When setting delivery rules, go ahead and throw the recovery rules into the discussion. You want to welcome all the well-wishers, but only when you're ready.
Guests in the delivery room are up to you and your partner. Accept the people you want, but don’t feel obligated to anyone other than each other.