My Infertility Journey: Moving Forward At Last (Part 27)
Obie Editorial Team
I smiled and nodded a lot during my follow-up appointment. I was still hugely angry at the doctor over the anesthesia issue, but determined to be pleasant so he would hopefully be pleasant in turn. He insisted once more that he never said I could have an alternate form of anesthesia and that I surely knew that and was just causing trouble at the surgery center when I made a big deal about not having general anesthesia.
I knew he had said I could have whatever anesthesia the anesthesiologist agreed to and whatever it was would be fine with him. I always ask the same question about anesthesia before I have any surgery, and I clearly remembered asking him the same thing and what he said. We obviously had some breakdown in communication with each other somewhere or he was remembering things totally differently from me. Either way, I wanted to forget about it and move on, so I changed the subject.
The pathology report on the polyp was fine, so there were no concerns there. That was pretty much what was expected, but it was still good news. The next thing to determine was when I would start the IVF drugs. He said the best time to start them was about a week before my next period. This would be in about another three weeks. He went ahead and wrote me a prescription so I could start taking the medication at the appropriate time without having to drive all the way back to the clinic first.
The first round of drugs were to be birth control pills. I hadn't taken those in twelve years, and I really saw no reason for me to ever take them again until I started this IVF process. Knowing the pills have more side effects the older you get, I was a bit wary of taking them at this point. However, they were required for the clinic to get total control over my menstrual cycle. Since it was only for a month, and it was for getting babies, I didn't mind taking them, despite my personal reservations. In fact, I wished I could start taking them sooner so we could make the babies sooner. After the month of birth control pills, we would start the hormones. Then, we would really be on our way to pregnancy.
< My Infertility Journey Part 26 My Infertility Journey Part 28 >