Which Condoms Are Safe During Pregnancy?


Obie Editorial Team

Many of us only focus on the negative sides of pregnancy. We complain about the backaches, the lack of caffeine, and the swollen ankles more than we take the time to appreciate the good things. For instance, you might find that one positive aspect of your pregnancy is that, assuming you have one regular sexual partner, you won’t have to use condoms.

Obviously, this does not apply if you do not know their partner’s sexual past or are sleeping with multiple people. Pregnancy is natural birth control, but it will not protect you against sexually transmitted diseases. Many women find these nine months of unprotected sex a great way to enjoy intimacy with their partner more and to save money on the usual expenses of contraception.

Though your baby is not anywhere near your vaginal opening through your entire pregnancy, chemicals can still make their way up into your uterus if they are highly concentrated.

Condoms and chemicals

For women who need to use condoms during pregnancy, there are a few health concerns to consider. Whether your condom use is a result of protection against STD’s or it is simply a matter of personal preference, you should make sure there are as few chemicals as possible in the latex.

Many studies, both new and old, point to the potentially harmful effects of spermicides on fetal development. Additionally, few studies explore the harmful effects of heavy lubes and latex alternatives, so you should avoid them to play it safe. If you must use condoms during pregnancy, have your doctor research your brand of choice to make sure there are no dangerous chemicals. Many brand name condoms contain a range of chemicals, but there are natural brands you can buy that only contain organic materials.

Make sure the brand you choose is safe and approved by your doctor. In the same way you’re careful about what you consume during your pregnancy, you should also be careful about what you put in your body otherwise. Though your baby is not anywhere near your vaginal opening through your entire pregnancy, chemicals can still make their way up into your uterus if they are highly concentrated.

Sex during pregnancy is safe and even encouraged. It may improve your self-esteem when you’re feeling low and keep you and your partner feeling close.