Risk of Miscarriage and Fetal Heart Rate


Obie Editorial Team

Risk of Miscarriage Based on Presence of Bleeding and Fetal Heart Rate

The risk of a miscarriage early in pregnancy depends on the age of the pregnancy, whether there is a bleeding or not and whether there is a fetal heart rate. With vaginal bleeding, the risk of miscarriage is high before you see the fetal heartbeat and low without bleeding after you see the heartbeat.

Risk of Miscarriage

Pregnancy Weeks Bleeding No Bleeding
Under 6 weeks 33% 16%
7 to 9 weeks 10% 5%
9 - 11 weeks 4% 1-2%

If you bleed before 6 weeks before you see the fetal heart rate your risk of miscarriage is about 1 in 3, and without bleeding, after 9 weeks the risk of miscarriage is very low.