Pregnancy Countdown Calculator
Pregnancy Tools
Obie Editorial Team
Ever wondered how many days there are left until your due date? How many days until your 3rd trimester or your baby's viability? Our calculator will show you every milestone in your pregnancy, all the way to your due date.
Every expectant mom and dad counts down the time during pregnancy. Online pregnancy calculators provide a lot of information about the specifics of your pregnancy, which gives you time to plan and prepare. How much longer will the pregnancy last? How much time has passed? How many months, days, hours, minutes? Did you ever wonder how many days to go to your due date? You can find all this out and more simply by inputting your last menstrual period or your due date in the countdown calculator above.
Using a due date calculator is just one of many ways to determine the exact due date. The due date calculator will also display the estimated date of ovulation and the expected due date of your baby. This estimate is based on the last menstrual period and the estimated date of conception.
Try the babyMed due date calculator!
Your pregnancy due date is calculated by adding 40 weeks (280 days) to the approximate first day of your last menstrual period or 266 days to the day of ovulation.
Only 5% of women deliver their babies on their projected due date, so this date is just an estimate and delivery usually happens within 2 weeks before or after the due date.
Get our Childbirth Course to learn all about labor, pain relief, natural options and more as you count down to your big day!
Every pregnant woman knows that when you are pregnant, the countdown to your due date begins the day of conception. But what is clear is that what you think is your due date may not be your baby's actual birthday.
There are 266 days from the day of conception to your "due date" or 280 days if you count from the first day of the last period.
The babyMed pregnancy due date calculator gives you a great way to calculate the days up or down.
However, what seems to be a simple question “When are you due?” is really not that simple. Only 5% of babies are actually born on their due date, and most are born before their due date.
The problem is that having been given a specified due date has made women place too much emphasis on a precise day.
Many doctors use several ways to calculate the due date including a sonogram, which if done early before 20 weeks is usually precise within 7-10 days.
Many women (and their health-care providers) become so attached to their due date that when the baby doesn’t come on that day, they schedule an induction. But because the due date is unreliable in the first place, inducing the baby may cause her/him to be born too soon. These “near-term” infants (as they are known) can have trouble breathing, staying warm and breastfeeding, and they often need special hospital care after birth.
Induction isn’t without risks for you, either: Research has shown that a first-time mother whose labor is induced is twice as likely to have a cesarean section as one whose labor starts on its own. When you let your baby choose her/his own birthday, it means he/she is really ready to begin life outside the womb.
Your due date is an estimate of when you will give birth, not a guarantee. A much better way to calculate the "due date" would be to give you a range of days, maybe a 2-3 weeks period within which you would be expected to have the baby. You still should realize that about 10% of babies are born before 37 weeks, specifically if you are high risk or having multiples like twins.
Do you know your due date but want to know exactly when you did get pregnant? Try our Reverse Conception Calculator. There, you can enter your due date and we will calculate the exact days of conception. More importantly, we will provide the range of dates that you may have made love and conceived.
Counting down the days until the birth of your baby allows you to prepare in so many ways: financially, emotionally, and mentally. It also provides a timeline of exciting milestones to look forward to and gives you time to prepare your nursery and plan for maternity leave.
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