How Does a Ovulation Predictor Kit Work?
An ovulation prediction kit or OPK can be used by women and men who are trying to conceive to time intercourse.
Omega 3 Before and During Pregnancy
Omega 3s are used by the brain and in the growth and development of the body and they are especially important before and during pregnancy.
What Is A Luteal Phase Corpus Luteum Defect (LPD)
A luteal phase defect (LPD) is a medical condition associated with the failure of getting pregnant because the luteal phase is shorter than normal.
The BabyMed Interactive Infertility Specialist Tool
Interactively find out if and when you should see an infertility specialist when trying to conceive.
Causes of Luteal Phase Defect (LPD)
There are three causes of LPD: poor follicle production, premature demise of the corpus luteum, and failure of the uterine lining to respond to normal levels of progesterone.
Foreplay: Best For Lubrication When Trying To Get Pregnant
Sufficient lubrication, the secretion of fluid from the vaginal walls and glands, is an essential part of enjoying sex and when getting pregnant.
hCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin During Pregnancy
You will find here hCG levels and all the hCG information and facts about the pregnancy hormone which increases by at least 60% every 2 days until it reaches 1,200 mIU/ml.
Pregnancy and Hematoma Concerns
A hematoma is a collection of blood under the surface of the skin. Most often referred to as a bruise, hematomas are generally considered safe when they appear on the skin, referred to medically as a subdermal hematoma.
Sex and Pregnancy - All About Pregnant Sex
Sex in pregnancy aka pregnant sex is safe as long as you understand when to do it and when not and under what circumstances you should not have pregnant sex.
Hypertension in Pregnancy May be Linked to Lead Exposure
Researchers have found a connection between lead exposure and hypertension in pregnancy. Even tiny amounts of lead can cause a significant increase in pregnancy blood pressure.
FertilAid-Preventing birth defects
Does FertilAid contain Folic Acid to help prevent birth defects?
Your Depression During Pregnancy Could Actually Be Fatigue
Getting a good night’s sleep while you’re pregnant is easier said than done. Your newly enlarged shape makes it difficult to get comfortable, and your mind is usually racing with questions and worries about your impending labor.
Amount of Radiation in X-rays
There are diagnostic x-rays and therapeutic x-rays. In general, medical x-rays done to check for certain conditions are also called 'diagnostic x-rays.'
Is Roseola Harmful During Pregnancy?
Most young children get infected with roseola, but they are not diagnosed with it because they only have a fever and usually no rash. Once you are infected, you are immune for the rest of your life.
BBT Basal Body Temperature Charting: What is it About?
Fertile couples who have sex frequently during the optimal time can often become pregnant much sooner. Charting your basal body temperature (BBT) may help you conceive sooner.
FertilAid Ingredients
What are the ingredients in FertilAid?
Early Signs Of Pregnancy
What are the early physical signs of pregnancy? What pregnancy signs show up right away? What pregnancy symptoms take a while to appear?
What is Progesterone?
What is the function of progesterone?
Can I Get Pregnant If...?
Can I get pregnant while breastfeeding? Having sex only once? Without an orgasm? Read on and find out those looming questions: "Can I Get Pregnant If....?"
Counting Fetal Movements - The Fetal Kick Count
There are numerous ways to count your baby's movements and numerous opinions on how many movements you are looking for within a certain amount of time.
How Do I Get Pregnant and Have a Baby Boy Or Baby Girl
The babyMed University Fertility Course
Dr. Amos Grunebaum offers vital lessons in the babyMed Fertility Course and teaches you everything you need to know to get pregnant now!
Baby Blues Symptoms and Postpartum Depression
Counting Fetal Movements: The Baby Kick Count
Most women feel the baby's or fetus' first movements after 18-20 weeks of the pregnancy. A baby or fetal kick count is among the most important observations to ensure the baby's health.
Partner Violence Tool
Check to see if you are at risk of partner violence
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