Male Masturbation

What is male masturbation?

Masturbation is a part of normal human sexuality when a couple is trying to get pregnant, the man may need to limit his masturbation and conserve the sperm stores for the fertilization of the egg. Ejaculation of semen lowers the sperm count available to fertilize the egg. A man needs to produce more sperm in order to refill the fertilization tank, so to speak, and that takes time. For the man who masturbates more than once a day, the stores will consistently be lower than the man who does not masturbate. In order to keep sperm counts higher, men need to conserve the ejaculations for intercourse. When the man allows sperm to build up in the semen rather than constantly depleting those stores, increased fertility can result.

Female masturbation may also play a role in infertility. When the female orgasm takes place, the cervix dips down to touch the end of the vagina. This dip is the body's way of naturally increasing fertility. When the female masturbates during intercourse, if she achieves orgasm before the male, the acids of the vagina may enter the cervix and decrease the amount of sperm remaining viable for fertilization of the egg.