Second Trimester of Pregnancy and Your Relationship
Obie Editorial Team
Have you ever noticed that despite all the "joys of motherhood" cards, ads, commercials, etc. that exist, you'll rarely hear about the joys of pregnancy. Much of that probably has to do with the first trimester and all of the nausea and changes that come along with it. The good news is that the morning sickness that may have plagued you during the first trimester is usually over by the time you’ve reached the second trimester.
You're also generally more energetic during the second trimester. This is a good thing because you can focus on getting ready for the baby and sharing this time more with your partner.
It's the perfect time for both of you to bond with each other and the baby. Lie down together and feel your belly when the baby is moving. Talk together about your plans for the future and your hopes and dreams for your child. Enjoy these moments to talk and cuddle together, and really use them to connect.
Remember that your body is still being flooded with hormones which can cause mood swings. This can be a confusing and difficult thing for both of you. However, it is a great time to focus on communication between the two of you. This can make a big impact on the quality and strength of your relationship. It is important for mom to explain how she is feeling and for her partner to be understanding and willing to learn about pregnancy hormone fluctuations and what they can do.
In the second trimester, your hormones can increase your sex drive. This can help strengthen your relationship to carry you both through the months ahead. Unless you are told by your doctor not to, most of the time, sex during pregnancy is perfectly normal and poses no risk to the baby. There are exceptions, of course, and your doctor can let you know if any of those apply to you.
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