Do Tender Breasts and Hard Nipples Mean I'm Pregnant?
Am I Pregnant
Obie Editorial Team
Many women normally experience sore and hard nipples as well as breast tenderness and discharge after ovulation and think it is a sign of early pregnancy. Breast tenderness after ovulation is usually due to hormonal changes such as the increase in the hormone progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum (the area in the ovary where the egg originated).
Not every woman who ovulates has this kind of breast tenderness nor does every woman experience discharge as a sign of early pregnancy, and even women who do not ovulate can have tender breasts. Pregnancy can certainly induce tender breasts, but this is usually not the very first sign of pregnancy. In addition, if the tenderness is indeed a result of being pregnant, it typically appears later on, after you miss your period and have a positive pregnancy test.