The Relationship Between PMS and Pregnancy
Pregnancy Symptoms
Obie Editorial Team
Researchers are still not exactly sure why many women get pre-menstrual symptoms (PMS), but they are sure that there is no reliable relationship between PMS and pregnancy. You can be pregnant and have all the typical PMS symptoms. Or, you can be pregnant and not have any PMS symptoms. Up to 90% of women normally experience PMS.
PMS takes place approximately one week before, and a few days during, a woman's menstrual period. PMS comes with some uncomfortable complaints which are believed to be caused by either low serotonin levels or the fluctuation of hormones that occur during this time.
Low serotonin (a derivative of Tryptophan), may include mood swings, aggressive behavior, irritability, and anger. It can also concentration problems, increased appetite, sleep problems, anxiety, and depression among other symptoms.
Hormonal changes may cause any of the following: migraines, headaches, sore breasts, weight gain, backache, and bloating among many others. There are more than 100 symptoms that have been noted as being related to PMS. Please note that symptoms will vary from one woman to the next and from one month to the next.
The most typical sign that you might be pregnant is if you've missed one or more periods in a row. There could be other reasons for a missed period so if you do miss one or more, take a pregnancy test and have your doctor do a check-up to determine if you are pregnant or there is another problem going on.
Many women experience the proverbial "morning sickness," nausea and/or vomiting. Sore breasts or nipples may also be pregnancy signs. Headaches, fatigue, and mood swings have also been noted to be related to early pregnancy. Food cravings and food aversions have also been reported during pregnancy. You may have increased urination as well. Some women will experience aversions to particular smells.
There are similar symptoms with PMS and early pregnancy. These can include mood swings, headaches, food cravings, and an increased appetite. Weight gain, sore breasts, and fatigue are also symptoms shared by early PMS pregnancy symptoms.
Early PMS pregnancy has associated symptoms that are the same. You should seek medical care if you suspect you might be pregnant for a couple of reasons. It is important to determine the cause of any missed or irregular periods and get the proper medical treatments. These symptoms can also be connected to other health conditions. Even more important is that once you determine you are pregnant, you should seek prenatal care so that you and your baby can be healthy.
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