Can Morning Sickness Predict Your Baby's Gender?

Pregnancy Myths

Obie Editorial Team

Myth: The presence or absence of morning sickness during pregnancy can predict the baby's sex.

Fact: Most experts believe this is truly a myth. However, several studies have found that among women with severe morning sickness (bad enough to require admission to the hospital) slightly more than half (53% to 56%) delivered girls. Perhaps there is some truth to this idea. Then again, even among those with the worst morning sickness, the male and female offspring were nearly 50-50, and whether this applies to milder cases is unknown.

No one knows exactly why morning sickness occurs, though it has long been thought to relate to elevated hormone levels (including progesterone, estrogen and/or human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG). Which hormone, if any of these, is most important, remains a matter of speculation. Several additional theories have been proposed such as zinc deficiency, genetic factors, and psychological factors. At least one study found that women carrying a female fetus had higher HCG levels than when carrying a male fetus. If true, that could explain the connection between morning sickness and a female fetus.

Myth: The following pregnancy symptoms can predict my baby's sex and the amount of hair they will have:

Bad heartburn = A lot of hair

Little/no heartburn = No hair

Craving sweets = Girl

Craving salt = Boy

Fact: This myth is not true. There is no scientific proof that these symptoms and cravings can predict anything about your baby before it is born.