Preventing Long-Term Obesity Risk for Two Generations

Pregnancy News

Obie Editorial Team

Maternal diet and gestational weight gainMaternal diet and exercise patterns have a direct impact on gestational weight and long-term risk of obesity for mom and infant. Researchers from The University of Western Ontario gathered data from 19 studies published in the Journal of Pregnancy pertaining to maternal diet, activity and interventions to limit gestational weight gain (GWG). Of the 19 studies, 13 studies included nutrition, activity and counseling interventions. The remaining six studies focused on activity only.

Conclusion: Women who participated in the combination programs that included nutrition, activity and counseling responded better than women who participated in the activity-only group. Combination efforts may be the best clinical option for reducing GWG and fighting obesity for multiple generations.

Source: Ruchat SM, Mottola MF. Preventing long-term risk of obesity for two generations: prenatal physical activity is part of the puzzle. J Pregnancy. 2012