Does a Previous C-Section Scar Affect Implantation?

Pregnancy News

Obie Editorial Team

Research for link on C-section scarring and implantation

Researchers from the Obstetrics and Gynecology Unit at Queen Charlottes and Chelsea Hospital in London recently published a study in the journal Human Reproduction on the effect of C-section scarring on future implantation. According to the study, little research has been completed on the effect of scarring on implantation, pregnancy symptoms, and pregnancy outcome.

Study involved 380 pregnant women

The research was conducted during a 15-month period. Data were collected from 380 pregnant women using a transvaginal scan between gestational weeks six and 11. Of the 380 women, 170 had a history of previous C-section and 210 had never received a C-section.

The majority of pregnant women (53%) in the C-section group implanted on the posterior wall of the uterus while the control group tended to implant on the fundal wall. The C-section group averaged gestational sac implantation nearly nine mm lower than the control group.

Small sample and results

Doctors noted eight cases where implantation occurred at the site of the C-section scar. Only one of the scar implantations resulted in live birth though the pregnancy was plagued with postpartum hemorrhage and placenta previa. The study was relatively small so researchers suggest a larger study be completed to verify outcomes.

Source: Naji O, Wynants L, Smith A, Abdallah Y, Saso S, Stalder C, Van Huffel S, Ghaem-Maghami S, Van Calster B, Timmerman D, Bourne T. Does the presence of a Caesarean section scar affect implantation site and early pregnancy outcome in women attending an early pregnancy assessment unit? Hum Reprod. 2013 Apr 12. PubMed.

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