Protein - Total (Serum) During Pregnancy

Laboratory Tests

Obie Editorial Team

What is the Total Serum Protein Test?
Total serum protein measures the amount of protein in the given blood sample, including the individual factors of protein – albumin and globulin. Subsets of globulin, like alpha-1, may also be measured. The albumin side of the test is used to determine kidney and liver function, proper nutrition or possible causes of edema. Globulin testing is associated with infection or blood disease.

Normal Value Range

  • Negative Pregnancy Adult: 6.7 to 8.6 g/dL or 67 to 86 g/L
  • Pregnancy Trimester One: 6.2 to 7.6 g/dL or 62 to 76 g/L
  • Pregnancy Trimester Two: 5.7 to 6.9 g/dL or 57 to 69 g/L
  • Pregnancy Trimester Three: 5.6 to 6.7 g/dL or 56 to 67 g/L

Low protein levels are indicative of malnutrition – the patient is not consuming or utilizing enough protein, but the results among each subset (albumin and globulin) are more precise.

High albumin levels are a sign of dehydration while low levels are typically associated with malnutrition, liver disease, kidney disease or an autoimmune disorder – among other factors.

High globulin levels are associated with various blood diseases, liver disease and kidney disease. Patients with tuberculosis also tend to have high globulin levels.



Pregnancy and Laboratory Studies
A Reference Table for Clinicians
Abbassi-Ghanavati, Mina MD; Greer, Laura G. MD; Cunningham, F Gary MD
Author Information
Obstetrics & Gynecology: December 2009 - Volume 114 - Issue 6 - p 1326-1331
doi: 10.1097/AOG.0b013e3181c2bde8

< Laboratory Values During Pregnancy