Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) (Whole Blood) During Pregnancy
Laboratory Tests
Obie Editorial Team
The mean platelet volume is nothing more than a measurement of the average platelet size. The number of platelets in a blood samples is also noted during the test. Depending on the volume of the platelet/ platelet count, different possible conditions could be name
For a pregnant woman, high platelet volume with a low platelet count is often what the obstetrician is looking for if symptoms of preeclampsia are present.
Results of the Mean Platelet Volume test are a bit confusing as size and number must be taken into consideration.
High Volume/Low Count means platelets are being destroyed. Sepsis and preeclampsia can both cause high platelet volume with low platelet count.
Low Volume/Low Count means not enough platelets are being produced. Anemia and certain drugs can reduce the production of platelets.
Low Volume/High Count could be indicative of inflammation, infection or malignancy associated with thrombocytosis.
High Volume/Normal Count could be an indicator of leukemia or hyperthyroidism.
Low Volume/Normal Count is typical of renal failure.