Medical Conditions and Treatments
Toxoplasmosis Prevention
How to prevent toxoplamosis.
Toxoplasmosis and Pregnancy
How do I get infected with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy?
Is Roseola Harmful During Pregnancy?
Most young children get infected with roseola, but they are not diagnosed with it because they only have a fever and usually no rash. Once you are infected, you are immune for the rest of your life.
Postcoital Test
In a postcoital test, the characteristics of a woman's cervical mucus are evaluated to determine how the sperm and muscus are interacting.
Chlamydia - Treatment
If you have chlamydial infection, take all of the prescribed medicine, even after symptoms disappear. If the symptoms do not disappear within one to two weeks after finishing the medicine, go to your doctor or clinic again.
Toxoplamosis and Infections
The major concern and biggest risk of toxoplasma is if you became infected for the very first time during your pregnany. A simple test for a protein called IgG will tell you if you have had it before or not.
Late Period - Negative Pregnancy Test
Late Period: Negative Pregnancy Test. There are two reasons for having a negative pregnancy test and having a late period: You did not ovulate anovulation or you did too early a pregnancy testing.
Hypothyroidism, Low Thyroid, Infertility, and Pregnancy
Hypothyroidism could be a cause of infertility in women with irregular cycles. If women with hypothyroidism get pregnant there is an increased risk of miscarriage and problems in the baby.
Online Fertility Test: Am I Fertile?
How to Get Pregnant Faster
Fertility and Ovulation Calculator
Early Pregnancy Symptoms
Implantation Calculator