Pregnancy Symptoms and Management
Your Depression During Pregnancy Could Actually Be Fatigue
Getting a good night’s sleep while you’re pregnant is easier said than done. Your newly enlarged shape makes it difficult to get comfortable, and your mind is usually racing with questions and worries about your impending labor.
Baby Blues Symptoms and Postpartum Depression
Counting Fetal Movements: The Baby Kick Count
Most women feel the baby's or fetus' first movements after 18-20 weeks of the pregnancy. A baby or fetal kick count is among the most important observations to ensure the baby's health.
Abdominal Discomfort During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, the ligaments located on the left and right side of the abdomen may feel achy from time to time.
Is Roseola Harmful During Pregnancy?
Most young children get infected with roseola, but they are not diagnosed with it because they only have a fever and usually no rash. Once you are infected, you are immune for the rest of your life.
Is Breast Tenderness a Pregnancy Sign?
Most women experience breast tenderness from time to time. Breasts may feel achy, have shooting pains, or simply feel full and heavy. Sore breasts typically occur due to hormonal fluctuations.
Is Nausea Associated With an Early Pregnancy?
Being nauseous is usually an early sign of pregnancy. However, nausea as a sign and symptom of pregnancy rarely appears before you miss your period and before you have a positive pregnancy test.
Swollen Legs, Ankles and Feet During Pregnancy and Postpartum
Swollen legs, ankles, and feet during pregnancy and the postpartum/postbirth period can be normal or a sign of more serious problems such as a blood clot in your leg.
Online Fertility Test: Am I Fertile?
How to Get Pregnant Faster
Fertility and Ovulation Calculator
Early Pregnancy Symptoms
Implantation Calculator