Labor and Delivery
Placenta Grade
Grading of the placenta can be done by ultrasound and by looking and how much calcifications there are in the placenta. A grade 3 placenta, for example, is normal at 40 weeks.
Does Sex Bring On Labor?
It's unlikely that sex is is going to cause you to go into labor. But many doctors tell their pregnant patients to go ahead anyway when they are past their due date. It's worth trying.
What Are the Risk Factors for Placenta Previa?
A placenta previa is a placenta that covers the cervix. There are several risk factors that increase the chance of a placenta previa.
Adjusting To Being Pregnant Changes in the Body
Discovering a new pregnancy can bring about feelings of happiness and joy, but there is also a bit of fear associated with growing a baby in your womb. Mothers-to-be who need to learn about the changes in their body during pregnancy so that they are more prepared for the next 40 weeks.
Prelabor Preparation
Weeks before real labor begins, the pregnant woman's body starts preparing for birth. Most of these changes will go unno
Labor Signs and Symptoms: Diarrhea
As your body gets ready for giving birth, muscles loosen in the entire body, and this includes the muscles that regulate bowel movements. Often, diarrhea can be a sign that baby is on the way!
Perineal Soreness
Many women experience perineal soreness, pain around the vagina and rectum, after giving birth. Perineal soreness is common, especially if you gave birth vaginally.
Oligohydramnios - Decreased Amniotic Fluid
Oligohydramnios means decreased amniotic fluid. There are several methods to evaluate the amniotic fluid in pregnancy.
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