Medical Treatments and Interventions
Overview of Hormone Replacement Therapy
When women think about hormone replacement therapy (HRT), they may immediately imagine pills taken every morning to curb the worst menopause symptoms. Hormone replacement therapy is available in forms other than pills.
Surgical Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy
Why you need estrogen, progesterone, and other reproductive hormones.
Post-Menopausal Bleeding
With the most common cause of postmenopausal bleeding being vaginal or endometrial atrophy, there is always a concern of the presence of endometrial cancer, as 10% of women with PMB have the disease.
Is Hormone Replacement Treatment Really Safe?
During the first years of menopause many women choose hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to ease the symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings and vaginal dryness, but is HRT safe for long-term use?
Hysterectomy: Where Am I Five Years Later?
One of the scariest meetings in my life was my first appointment with a new gynecologist when I moved to Las Vegas. The gynecologist sat and listened to my medical history with true interest.
Uterus Removal and Menopause
It is estimated that 600,000 women undergo hysterectomies each year. Of these 600,000 women, only 10% require the procedure as a treatment for suspected or diagnosed cancer.
Can You Stop Menopause by Freezing an Ovary?
According to research and practice in the UK, women may be able to stop menopause and preserve fertility for as long as they’d like. We currently freeze eggs and sperm, so is it such a big medical jump to freeze ovaries whole?
Perimenopause: Questions Everyone Has
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