How to Tell Your Boss That You Are Pregnant
Work During Pregnancy
Obie Editorial Team
Some jobs require you to disclose your pregnancy right away, while with others it may be better to wait. Here's what to say about your pregnancy in various work situations:
Complications: If you have pregnancy complications or potential complications. This can mean as soon as the complication arises even if your fetus is only a few weeks old.
Job stress level: Having a stressful job is hard enough on your body, let alone on your baby's body.
Job limitations: If pregnancy limitations prevent you from completing the job at hand.
Strenuous work: Strenuous work such as lifting great deals of weight or being physically active for long periods of time without breaks.
Chemical interactions: If your job includes using any type of chemicals contraindicated during pregnancy. These could include photo chemicals or cleaning chemicals.
Multiple pregnancy: If you are pregnant with more than one baby, all of the rules can be thrown out the window. There should be bed rest, extra doctor's appointments, and stricter pregnancy guidelines.
Check out our pregnancy due date & conception calculator
Time on the job: The time spent with one company can affect how early the pregnancy is divulged. If you are new to the company, waiting a bit longer may be ideal. If you have been with the company for years, personal relationships may supersede any abovementioned tips.
Job interview: You should only disclose your pregnancy during your interview if you believe it to be necessary. Some employers will hold the fact that you are pregnant against you.
Keeping things private: Smaller companies often have a more difficult time keeping personal affairs, like pregnancies, private. If the pregnancy is something that you want to keep under wraps until the second trimester, you will need to hold off on the reveal until then.
Maternity leave options: What are the maternity leave options with the company? These options could be the deciding factor for the pregnancy reveal. If the maternity leave is unpaid and you believe the boss will be less than happy, you should hold off before sharing the pregnancy news. However, it is important to give enough notice so the position opened can be filled while you are out on maternity leave.
It's all in the timing: If there are no complications and none of the above conditions apply to the pregnancy, the best time to tell your boss about your pregnancy is between the 16th and 20th week. By this time, the boss will have seen that the pregnancy does not impede your work efforts and thus should not react in a negative manner.
Returning to work: After your baby is born, the next decision you will have to make is when to return to work. Most maternity leaves will allow up to 12 weeks after birth to make this decision.
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