Hormones and Endometrial Cancer in Postmenopausal Women
Women's Health News
Obie Editorial Team
Past studies have proven a direct relationship between obesity and increased risk of endometrial cancer. Researchers from National Cancer Institute and National Institutes of Health recently published the results of the study in the journal Endocrine-Related Cancer.
Data for participants in the study were pulled from the B-FIT (Breast and Bone Follow-Up of the Fracture Intervention Trial). Sixty-two women diagnosed with endometrial cancer were found in the follow-up. Researchers pulled 124 matching controls from the cohort. Blood samples were tested for adiponectin, leptin and HMW adiponectin.
Conclusion: Leptin, in relationship to BMI, may play a role in endometrial cancer risk, but researchers are unsure just what role leptin plays. Higher levels of leptin were found in patients with endometrial cancer independent of estrogen. Researchers believe additional studies are needed to learn more about leptin’s role in endometrial cancer.
Dallal CM, Brinton LA, Bauer DC, Buist DS, Cauley JA, Hue TF, Lacroix A, Tice JA, Chia VM, Falk R, Pfeiffer R, Pollak MN, Veenstra TD, Xu X, Lacey JV. Obesity-related hormones and endometrial cancer among postmenopausal women: a nested case-control study within the B~FIT cohort. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2012 Dec 5.