Grandmother Hypothesis: How Menopause Shaped Human Evolution
Women's Health News
Obie Editorial Team
Many of today’s families enjoy the babysitting duties most grandmothers contribute willingly and lovingly. An anthropologist from Utah suggests grandmothers have contributed much more to human evolution than feeding babies and changing diapers. Her “grandmother hypothesis” suggests monogamy and longevity exist today because grandmothers of long, long ago stopped being fertile decades before they reached the end of their natural lifespans. That by losing their own fertility to menopause, grandmothers actually generated greater numbers of offspring in their bloodlines and made it possible for humans to fall in love and live 80+ years today.
Anthropologist Kristen Hawkes of the University of Utah says her grandmother hypothesis contradicts the traditional theory that mate-bonding behaviors (monogamy) evolved from a trade-off between providing food and claiming descendants. The common theory is that males paired with one female by feeding her and her children so he could father her children and advance his genetic contribution to future generations.
Hawkes theorizes it was grandmotherly child-rearing assistance, not the food itself, that allowed females to have more babies sooner than without grandma’s help. When grandma took over feeding duties for weaned grandchildren, her daughter was free to have more babies with shorter intervals in between.
Hawkes tested her theory using computer-simulated models based on how two specific populations would evolve over 30,000 years:
Promiscuous males fathered fewer children than males who bonded within a closed relationship with a female or a family containing several fertile females. Over time, the male’s mate-guarding behaviors became more complex than survival and procreation; affection and romance blossomed and fertile couples fell in love.
As the role of grandmothers became more valuable to the survival of small children, grandmothers started living longer after menopause. They became as valuable to the society infertile as when they were fertile. Since they lived longer, they could take care of more grandchildren, freeing up their children to have more children in quicker succession.
Human longevity increased with each generation as grandmother’s genes for long lifespan were passed forward. Hawkes’ computer-simulated society with infertile grandmothers eventually reached lifespans of 70 or 80 years, as happens in real life today.