Three Meal Ideas When Trying to Conceive

Getting Pregnant

Obie Editorial Team

The foods we put into our bodies play a huge role in determining what our bodies can do (and subsequently, what they can’t). There have been plenty of studies analyzing the relationship between a woman’s diet and her fertility. With a few simple tips in mind, you can change your diet today to help increase your chances of getting pregnant. Check out these 3 meal ideas for some inspiration!

Protein-packed pasta

Studies show that women who consume high amounts of animal protein have a greater risk for gestational diabetes. According to the study, substituting just five percent of animal protein for vegetable protein could cut the risk of gestational diabetes in half. That is a significant finding, so how can you do it? When you think plant-based protein, beans and lentils probably come to mind. Pasta made from either of these sources is a fun and unique way to consume them. 


Take a trip to your local grocery store and browse the pasta aisle. These days, there are plant-based options nearly everywhere. If you can’t find one made from beans or lentils specifically, the next best thing is gluten-free.

One way to dress pasta up for fertility is with a nut or seed-based cream sauce. This keeps the dairy down and the healthy fats high. All you have to do is blend nuts (cashews work best, but if you’re allergic, try using pumpkin or sesame seeds) with milk of choice, tahini, sea salt, and any other spices of your choice.

To assemble, simply cook the pasta according to the package. While that’s cooking, blend up the sauce and place to the side. Drain the pasta and throw it back in the pot with the sauce. Mix and enjoy.

Homemade burrito bowl

Too many bad carbs can lead to insulin resistance which can affect ovulation. What does this mean for your plate? Opt for slow-digesting, complex carbs, such as brown rice and sweet potatoes. That’s where this bowl comes in. A base of brown rice and sweet potatoes, which are both complex carbs and digest well together (since they’re both starches). Toss in some beans for a plant-based protein source, and some sauteed veggies in coconut oil for healthy fat. Incorporating healthy fats is important because they reduce inflammation in the body, which in turn promotes regular ovulation.


Start with a base of brown rice and roasted sweet potatoes (bonus points if they’re chilled, as this creates increases the resistant starch load, which in turn feeds healthy gut bacteria).

Next, add beans of your choice. We recommend black or pinto, simply tossed with some sea salt and spices to keep it simple. 

If you consume animal products, feel free to toss in a meat of your choice. Just make sure it’s organic and grass-fed. Remember, what the animal eats you eat too! 

Get your veg on! Saute your favorite nutrient powerhouses in coconut oil. Since estrogen is regulated by fat cells, you want to make sure you’re including healthy fat sources, specifically omega-3’s. Our favorite veggies for this Mexican dish are peppers and onions.

Top it off. No veggie bowl is complete without that hefty scoop of guac. You’re eating at home, so don’t worry about the extra charge. Even if you weren’t, it’s worth the splurge for those healthy fats (and flavor).

Berry smoothie

One cause of infertility can be due to exposure to environmental toxins, which can disrupt hormone levels. Regardless of how much you’re exposed to, it’s always a good idea to up your intake of antioxidants. 


Start with a mix of frozen and fresh fruit (both are great for you)! Opt for lower-sugar fruits to keep blood sugar levels low and hormones balanced. We recommend blueberries and strawberries.

Sneak in your greens. Adding dark leafy greens such as spinach increases the nutrient profile of the smoothie without a strong taste.

For flavor and texture, a few scoops of either full-fat Greek yogurt or vegan yogurt will do the trick. Remember, both are protein and fat sources, which your body needs for increasing fertility odds! We love using a vanilla variety for flavor without too much added sugar.

Feel free to add in powdered adaptogens, like maca powder, known to increase fertility. You won’t taste or notice it. And remember, if your fruit isn’t frozen, add plenty of ice to keep it cool.