Sweet Secrets for Sugar Cravings During Pregnancy
Food and Nutrition
Obie Editorial Team
By Rachel Neifeld, RD, CDN
Have baked goods gone from just good to gotta-have during your pregnancy? Has your pantry’s cookie supply been slowly diminishing with each trimester? If gummy bears seem to be beckoning with their tiny sugar-coated paws, you’re likely one of the many women dealing with food cravings during pregnancy.
Though eating that extra piece of cake may seem harmless, consuming too many empty calories during pregnancy could cause too much weight gain too fast. Excess intake of refined sugars and subsequent excess weight gain can increase a woman’s risk of developing gestational diabetes as well as make it more difficult to lose post-pregnancy weight. These problems are especially harmful for women who were overweight before becoming pregnant. Also, by eating more baked goods and candy, a woman is likely displacing other more nutrient-dense foods from her diet which both she and her baby need for optimal health.
With a little creativity and planning, a sweet tooth can provide a great opportunity for a pregnant woman to meet some of her daily vitamin and mineral needs. Use your next sweet craving to your advantage by trying one of the snack ideas below.
Sweets are ok in moderation but healthier options that provide some valuable nutrition instead of just empty calories are a better choice if sweet cravings strike frequently.