Male Infertility Treatment
Obie Editorial Team
Male infertility afflicts about 50% of all infertile couples. Pregnancy usually happens in about 80-85% of couples within one year of trying, and in about 15-20% of couples, it takes longer than one year of trying to get pregnant. Studies show that there is a male sperm problem in about 50% of infertile couples, and in about 1/2 of these cases the problem is found in the man alone.
It takes approximately 72-90 days to produce mature sperm. Sperm is produced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so any problems over the last 2-3 months could have cause sperm problems.
Before treatment for male infertility and sperm problems is considered, some tests need to be done to find out possible reasons. There are many factors that can decrease or cease sperm production.
Here are some recommendations for trying to improve your sperm count naturally:
If the man has a hormonal deficiency, it may be treatable with medications., however, these are rare cases.
A varicocele is an abnormal tortuosity and dilation of veins of pampiniform plexus within the spermatic cord. If there is a varicocele, it can be surgically treated - which may help fertility in some cases. However, well-controlled studies of surgery vs. no surgery have failed to consistently demonstrate increased pregnancy rates with surgical correction. Some studies have shown better pregnancy rates after surgery, but other studies have shown lower pregnancy rates following surgery.
Many medical studies have shown no increase in pregnancy rates with clomiphene given to men. A "double blind" study (World Health Organization study, published in the International Journal of Andrology, 1992) of 190 couples, gave clomiphene or placebo ("sugar pills) to men with abnormal semen parameters. The men took either clomiphene or placebo for 6 months. Pregnancy rates were not increased with clomiphene:
Intrauterine insemination is an option in male infertility. Mild to moderately low sperm counts and/or motility are usually treated with inseminations for about 3-6 months while severely low counts and/or motility are more successfully treated with in-vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
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