Pushing Tips
Childbirth Class
Obie Editorial Team
You can take classes, watch movies and ask questions about pushing, but until you are in active labor, you won't know exactly how strong the pressure and the need to push
really is. Learning some tips for effective pushing can help lt lessen the time spent in labor.
Pushing a baby through the birth canal is an essential part of a vaginal birth. Whether you choose to have pain medications or natural birth, you will feel strong pressure that creates a sudden urge to “get it out”. Most women note that giving birth feels like having a large bowel movement.
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All about the stages of labor, delivery options, anesthesia and more.
The babyMed Labor Contractions Timer Tool allows you to follow your contractions as labor begins and as it progresses toward delivery. When timing labor contractions, start counting from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next. Follow your contractions and calculate everything about them: How long they last, how far apart they are and how frequent they become. This counting tool automatically calculates the number of contractions, length, interval, and other important information.