Chicken Soup (Jewish Penicillin) Recipes

Jewish Penicillin Chicken Soup Recipe

Obie Editorial Team

There are very few moments to look forward to when fighting colds in pregnancy. One is the small amount of time spent sipping some good, old-fashioned Jewish Penicillin. Chicken soup recipes vary from one end of the world to the other but all have the same healing properties. Recently, scientists have even alluded to the fact that pregnant women who eat chicken soup while fighting colds, suffer less time and milder symptoms.

The worldwide Jewish population is 13.3 million Jews, 2 out of 3 Jews live outside of Israel, about 1/2 of those live in North America, and about 1 in 10 live in Europe including Russia. 

The following is a list of chicken soup ("Jewish Penicillin") recipes from around the world. They are listed alphabetically by city/country. Some are simple and easy and others quite complex. Treat your cold during pregnancy with these delicious, soothing and healthy treatments. In the late 1800's and early 1900s many Jews emigrated to other countries. During World War II many more Jews left their countries, and together with those who survived the Holocaust spread around the world.