Maggie Gyllenhaal Pregnant

Celebrity Baby and Pregnancy

Obie Editorial Team

The first pregnancy rumors surrounding Maggie Gyllenhaal started not by chance but by announcement as the star and her four year boyfriend, at the time, announced they were engaged and expecting

Maggie Gyllenhaal is a star in her own right, despite the many people that claim she is riding on the fame of her brother. The star is known worldwide for her acting talent and has managed to create quite the portfolio of acting parts. She also is famous for her marriage to the hot, Peter Saarsgard. Peter Saarsgard, an actor, is known for his parts in Dead Man Walking, Boys Don’t Cry and Jarhead. Peter tends to work as the supporting actor to the more famous main actors and actresses.

The first pregnancy rumors surrounding Maggie Gyllenhaal started not by chance but by announcement as the star and her four year boyfriend, at the time, announced they were engaged and expecting. The baby girl was born a few short months later and the couple went right back to acting.

Unlike many celebrities, Maggie Gyllenhaal has managed to fall below the media spotlight despite her wonderful acting talents. She and husband are never in the tabloids for fighting or getting into any trouble. She has been highly supportive of her brother’s career, despite his part in Bubble Boy, and she lives life as a renowned actress and mom. Maggie Gyllenhaal’s brother is Jake Gyllenhaal also an actor. One thing Maggie Gyllenhaal has shown the media, as of late, is a slim and trim body. The photos of Maggie Gyllenhaal pregnant are wonderful. The actress carried the baby weight very well and she glowed with beauty. Recently, however, the star was photographed wearing a slinky black dress and the rumors started flying.

The dress was worn to the premiere of Dark Knight – she wore it well but that does not mean the bump on the front of the dress was not very prominent. The photo was not altered and there were no uncomfortable angles. Just a front shot of the actress and a very clear raise in the tummy area of the dress. Looking at other shots and other angles of the photo and the bump is still there. But, some would say the bump could be attributed to the fact that the outfit, not really a dress but more of a jumpsuit, was way too big for the star.

Despite the rumors, Maggie Gyllenhaal is not saying whether she is pregnant or not pregnant. She is saying, however, that she will be spending more time with her 20 month old baby girl and leaving Hollywood on the back burner for a while. How convenient if there is a baby in the oven to step out of the spotlight just when the rumors are getting started. To give Maggie Gyllenhaal a little credit, the star does not appear to be pregnant aside from the bump in the photos. In past photos, she looked 100% different than she does today. Maybe the star just wanted to pose a little tummy in order to boost the sales for her Dark Knight movie – doesn’t look like it needed that publicity.