My Mom Was Infertile - Will I Be?
Obie Editorial Team
Genetics and Infertility
Genetics can play a part in fertility, but not directly per se. If your mom had trouble conceiving for a year or more and she was diagnosed with a physical problem that caused the infertility, that physical problem may not be passed on from one generation to another. For instance, if there was a horse riding accident when she was little or if she was born with narrow fallopian tubes with no known genetic cause, there is a good chance you won’t suffer the same condition.
However, if there is a genetic problem with chromosomes that affect conception like Turner syndrome or Klinefelter syndrome, those conditions may be passed from parent to child – but the parent may not have an active version of the condition. Other genetic conditions that may affect your fertility include cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia.
If your mom was infertile, she may not pass along that infertility to you, but she could pass along genetic problems that may affect your fertility. The connection between your fertility problems and those your mother may have faced are not likely connected.