Part of my new strategy was to talk to a medical medium about my fertility issues and some other conditions I'd been dealing with for decades. I realize this may not be the path some people would choose (though I know a lot of people personally who would go for's all a matter of personal preference and belief), but I felt it was integral for me. I chose a man with a very good reputation. In fact, he is often referred to as the modern Edgar Cayce. Being able to diagnose people and recommend treatments for them that will work, just by using his intuition, was something Edgar Cayce did and was very successful with during his lifetime. The medical medium I chose has this same reputation, and lots of success stories and glowing testimonials on his website. Hey, if I was going to do this, I was going to talk to the best!
Actually, the medical medium I chose is so well known and in demand now that he has a waiting list for initial consultations. I put my name in the "hat," so to speak, about six weeks before his office called me and said there was an opening for me to talk to him. So, I made my appointment for two weeks from then, which was the next available opening, and looked forward to it with anticipation. I knew he would provide me with some answers and I was going to follow his recommendations to the letter.
The consultation was over the phone, and he called me. I had a notebook ready to take notes, and was put at ease quickly by his friendly demeanor. He told me that he saw me as a basically very healthy person with nothing that he saw that should concern me as being serious. However, there were a few issues that I'd been dealing with since childhood (which was true!), and they were all caused by mainly one thing...the Epstein-Barr virus. I also had some minor
mercury toxicity and a bit of streptococcal virus (but that one had nothing to do with the fertility).
He then told me what I needed to do to remove the viruses and the mercury. These things were causing 95 percent of the issues I'd had since I was in first grade. I was excited to eliminate them.