Newborn Evaluation Right After Birth
Baby & Child
Obie Editorial Team
The very first evaluation done at 1 and 5 minutes after birth is the 5-score Apgar score which helps identify babies that require additional help with resuscitation. In addition, examining the newborn baby shortly after birth before discharge helps the doctor detect birth injuries, cardiorespiratory disorders, and other anomalies,that may compromise a newborn's successful adaptation to extrauterine life.
A detailed examination should also be performed after the newborn has completed the transition from fetal to neonatal life. The examination may begin with an evaluation of the baby's size and weight to ensure he falls within the normal range.
The routine newborn assessment should include:
The presence of one anatomic malformation should prompt an evaluation for associated anomalies. A newborn with one anatomic malformation should be evaluated for associated anomalies.