How to Keep Up Romance With a Newborn Baby
Baby & Child
Obie Editorial Team
Romance brought the two of you together. Romance helped to make the baby. Romance kept the relationship alive while the baby developed. So what happened to the romance now that the baby is here? Did the prospect of dirty diapers and round the clock feedings chase it away? Did the screaming sounds of the baby kill the romance? Maybe it is the exhaustion that one feels after caring for a newborn baby. No matter what it is that stopped the romance, it is important for the romance to come back to the relationship and for it to continue during the life of that new little body.
Romance is not only the act of loving, but it is also the small behaviors that make one fall in love all over again. Romance does not have to be a candlelit dinner. Romance does not have to be in front of a roaring fire place. These types of romance are often unachievable in most households because of the busy schedule that people live. With a newborn, the idea of passionate romance in front of a roaring fire is often the last thing on a couple’s minds.
To keep the romance in the relationship after a newborn baby arrives, one must change the notion of romance. No longer is romance the types of things that come out of romance novels. Now romance is reality, but softened by small acts of love.
In the bedroom, the romance does not need to be killed by exhaustion or stress. If the couple helps each other, then both members in the relationship can have more energy for such acts of passion. Several studies show that even if one is not in the mood for loving their partners, the process of going through the motions can bring that mood on with a passion. The act of coupling can bring about a more relaxed state of mind and allow both members of the relationship to sleep better. It can also reduce the stresses that one feels, making for a happier household in total. Romance is making the household more relaxed by simply taking the time to love.
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