How to Gear Up For a Newborn Baby

Baby & Child

Obie Editorial Team

New babies are always an exciting time for everyone. They bring so much joy and excitement to a family. However, babies are completely helpless. Babies cannot feed themselves, change themselves, or dress themselves. There is nothing a new baby can do except eat when food is presented to them, and cry when they need something. What a life!

For this reason, it is incredibly important to be prepared for your new baby. By having the right gear for your new baby, caring for them can be a simple matter of providing needs. If you do not have the right gear, it can be frustrating to attempt to get the gear while handling a screaming baby in the background.

What does your baby need?

New babies have few needs. Food, a clean diaper, sleep, and plenty of love are just about all of them! By providing for these needs, you can assure your baby will be happier and healthier, which makes for a happy household. 

If you do not intend to breastfeed your baby, providing food in the form of baby formula is necessary. To help ensure that there is always plenty of food available, it is a good idea to purchase more than you think you'll need. If you are buying baby formula for the first time, it is wise to buy several different types of formula to ensure that the baby likes one of those formulas and does not go hungry for the first day at home. 

Clean diapers are essential. This vital piece of gear should be bought so that there is always one extra unopened pack of diapers in the house. This helps to avoid potentially running out of diapers in an inopportune time. Make sure you are buying the right size diaper, or else you'll find yourself running back to the store mid-changing! You can also invest in cloth diapers as another option.

Sleeping is a big part of a new baby’s life. To get proper sleep, the baby needs to be warm and secure. The best way to provide this for baby is to dress them warmly and to wrap them up in a blanket. The proper clothing should be purchased well in advance to the arrival of the baby. The same goes for blankets! It is possible to buy all the clothing for the baby’s first year up to a year before the baby arrives. 

By satisfying the basic needs of the baby with the proper baby gear, one can afford to raise the baby well and cost-effectively.