Five Great Hobbies During Pregnancy

Sports, Travel, and Leisure

Obie Editorial Team

Pregnancy can be the perfect time of to give yourself the gift of learning something new. While you're pregnant, it's easy to lose track of who you are because suddenly your boundaries have changed and you have to care for two. The satisfaction of mastering something new during this time can be the perfect way to find your own identity again. Also, if you are expecting your first child then these weeks of your pregnancy are the last ones for a while during which you'll feel completely free to spread out materials and work on something without interruption.


There is a reason behind the tradition of twining yarn into clothing or beautiful household decorations: as your hands turn the strands of yarn into fabric and then into a unique handmade object, you gain a peaceful sense of putting all the strands of your own life back together. Plus you can make gorgeous clothes for the baby!

Playing a musical instrument

This idea might bring to mind something large and formal, like a piano, or an instrument that requires many lessons before it will even yield a sound that's musical. Musical instruments come in a vast range of sizes and levels of complexity, however. Perhaps you'd like to be able to pull a harmonica out of your purse and play a few little blues riffs or learn to strum a few guitar chords to accompany your lullabies.


This is one hobby that (like knitting and making music) you'll certainly make use of when the baby comes! Learning the art and science of taking good photographs will allow you to keep a record of those fleeting moments of childhood as it races past. At the same time, photography is a complex art and if you really pursue it over the years with determination you can take it from a hobby all the way to a career!

Vegetable gardening

Sunshine, exercise and good food, what's not to like? Even if all you have is a balcony or sunny windowsill, you can grow an amazing amount of luscious vegetables and herbs in small containers. You'll be supplementing your diet with nutrients in their purest form as you munch on a handful of fresh parsley or a home-grown carrot, and your child will grow up understanding where our food comes from.

Make natural lotions

This hobby is easy to learn and is a sensuous treat for your nose and skin. Using natural oils like almond and avocado, and pure essential oils for fragrance, you'll benefit from all the magic of aromatherapy. Add fresh lavender for peace of mind, rosemary to feel mentally alert, or spearmint to relax. You will end up with lovely gifts to give, and you and your baby will both have skin as soft as silk!