Pelvic Congestion Syndrome - Chronic Pelvic Pain
Obie Editorial Team
If the clinical symptoms of chronic pelvic pain are worse when sitting or standing, and tsymtoms are associated with varicose veins in the thigh, buttock regions, or vaginal area, then the possibility of dilated ovarian and ovarian veins or varices must be considered.
Pelvic varicose veins are usually not visible externally. Therefore, imaging studies such as sonogram or ultrasound need to be done to show those dilated veins. Occasionally, other tests such as a laparoscopy are needed to make the correct diagnosis. Pelvic varicose veins are confirmed by injecting contrast dye (i.e., performing a venogram) into certain veins in the pelvis.
Chronic pelvic pain due to ovarian vein and pelvic varices (varicose veins) is treated using nonsurgical, minimally invasive, transcatheter techniques. If varices are found on venography, they are embolized with small coils or other agents. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation. Risks are the same for those of any minimally invasive procedure. The blood supply to the varices is blocked by the use of such coils and embolic agents. A 80% success rate in pain reduction has been reported, (i.e., a reduction in the quantity of pain medications that the woman requires). Pain reduction varies from complete to partial. It is well recognized that varicose veins in the legs cause pain, and therefore it is reasonable that such veins may be a source of chronic pelvic pain if they exist in the pelvis.
The recovery time for women who undergo embolization of ovarian and pelvic varices is similar. Both procedures are generally performed with an overnight admission to the hospital, primarily for pain management during the first 24 hours. After that, the patient is discharged and spends time at home recovering, using oral pain medications for relief of discomfort. Pain is most significant during the first three days after either procedure.
Regarding ovarian and pelvic varices, the procedure is generally performed in two stages.
The procedure is divided into two segments due to
The second half of the embolization procedure is completed days two weeks later and is generally an out-patient procedure. This gives the woman time to recover in between the two-stage embolization procedure.