Too Many Infertile Black Women Overlooked
Fertility and Infertility News
Obie Editorial Team
Every woman who cannot get pregnant wonders why. She wonders if there’s any way to fix the problem and who she can talk to about the profound loneliness she feels. Infertility affects women of all races, every socioeconomic situation, every culture, and religion.
Most of the research being done on infertility in the United States, however, involves affluent white couples who agree to study participation as part of expensive fertility treatments. By volunteering their experiences to medical study, they’ve helped advance the understanding of infertility but that understanding doesn’t apply to all women. Black women, for example, are at least as likely to be infertile as white women but they are mostly left out of the infertility conversation.
When black women are overlooked for study, they are also overlooked by the emotional interventions that help white women cope with childlessness. The heartbreak of infertility is felt just as strongly by black women, who often see themselves as isolated, alone, and with no one to talk to. They even find discrimination in their doctors’ offices, making it difficult to describe the medical details, much less the emotional toll infertility takes on them.
Researchers from the University of Michigan have just published findings of a study they conducted solely on black women experiencing infertility. The interview-based study involved 50 African-American women ranging in age from 21 to 52 and from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds. Most of them were married, many were full-time workers with college degrees
All of them experienced infertility at one point in life; the medical definition of infertile is the inability to conceive after 12 months of regular, unprotected intercourse. The women experienced infertility for lengths of time ranging from one to 19 years.
Interview questions touched on infertility and relationships with relatives, friends, and the medical community:
The inability to conceive a child challenges a black woman’s self-esteem; they see themselves as abnormal, in part because depictions of infertile women often feature well-to-do white women. The research team would like to see this study as a turning point, where black women are included in the conversation, the research, and the interventions as often as other women are.
Ceballo, Rosa, Erin T. Graham, and Jamie Hart. "Silent and Infertile: An Intersectional Analysis of the Experiences of Socioeconomically Diverse African American Women With Infertility." Psychology of Women Quarterly (2015). Web. 17 June 2015.
"Black women often cope with infertility alone." EurekAlert! University of Michigan and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 4 June 2015. Web. 17 June 2015.
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