Finally, I'm on the way...

Obie Editorial Team

October 26, 2010

-I  tested for urine pregnancy test this morning. The result was false positive. So, I had undergone serum pregnancy in the evening and the result was positive. I am 4 days delayed. My last menstruation was Sept 28 and had 24 days cycle.

My concern is that I am taking antibiotic Cipromax 500mg twice a day last week due to my second degree burn. It was a standard procedure to take antibiotics after having a second degree burn. There are 2 tablets left and now i am confirmed positive for 4 days delayed. So, do i have to stop it or i need to finish the whole antibiotic course.

I am hoping that i will not bleed at this time. I am also praying that I will not take heparin if that's ok. How will I know if I no longer need it?

When I saw the result which was positive, I am not that excited because i knew somehow or i did not know my feeling - a bland affect. Maybe i just want to be sure that there is a heartbeat in the ultrasound at 6 weeks. That's the time, we will be excited and happy and confirmed that I am truly pregnant.

Thanked God, I was able to talk with my OB and told me that I should stop my medication of Cipromax. I will go to her for prenatal this thursday.

Oct 27, 2010

It was confirmed that i am pregnant already based on my serum preg test yest. This was the birthday of my lolo manuel, the day when he died was the day of our wedding anniversary which was at that time i was also pregnant but had miscarriage. And now, it was his birthday that I was confirmed pregnant. This is really meant to be and it is about time now for me to get pregant. We have been praying for this for so long.

The regard is great for those who wait. Finally, our angel will come soon. Praised and thanked God.

Oct 28, 2010

-I went to my OB today and had my 1st prenatal visit as a pregnant woman. Thanked God that we will not yet start heparin which i was very concerned about. She prescribed me of duphaston for 2 weeks and some labs to do before i will return to her. So, i will be having my vaginal ultrasound on the second week of November. Hopefully, this is it. There will be heartbeat and the fetus will be perfectly normal. She advised me to continue my medications like aspirin and folicard for the mean time. The reason we can start heparin it's because i was able to antibitiocs of Cipromax (Cifrofloxacin) 1 week before. At that time, I did not know that I am pregnant. My prayer was answered because i was confused if i had to be given heparin or not. However, God has planned it well, he used my accidently burn so that i would not take heparin at this time. My doctor will just observe it first. Hopefully, her observation will be good wherein i will no longer need heparin for in the first place i am perfectly normal so as my husband. It's just that there were supernatural events happened in the past and we could not explain it further.

Oct 29, 2010
-I could not sleep again. I woke at about 4am. This was my second time. So what i did was I prayed the holy rosary and open my laptop to read my kerygma. If everytime this will happen, i will just pray the rosary and check my email, so that i can reflect within myself. This hour is very calm and relaxing. I should also start writing my milestone in my pregnancy.