Here are the probabilities of your chances being pregnant with these symptoms from high to medium to low.
High Pregnancy Probability (Nearly 100% chance of pregnancy)
- No menstrual period (amenorrhea), AND known day of ovulation, AND 17+ DPO
- An elevated BBT curve for 16+ days without a menstrual period
- A positive blood hCG pregnancy test (When?)
- A positive urine pregnancy test (HPT)
- A gestational sac on ultrasound
- Fetus on ultrasound
Medium Pregnancy Probability (About 50% chance of pregnancy with one of these)
- Missed menstrual period (amenorrhea), known day of ovulation, AND 15-16 DPO
- Missed menstrual period AND more than two of the symptoms below
- Triphasic curve, 12+ DPO, AND more than two of the symptoms below
Low Pregnancy Probability (Less than 25% chance of pregnancy)
- Missed menstrual period for over one week (not knowing if ovulation happened) AND a repeatedly negative pregnancy test
- Abundant cervical mucus >10 DPO
- A negative blood hCG test
- Triphasic curve <12 DPO
- Bleeding or spotting about a week after ovulation
- Lower abdominal cramps
- Heavy breasts
- Breasts increasing in size
- Nausea
- Nipple or breast tenderness
- Fatigue
- Vomiting
- Food cravings
- Metallic taste in mouth
- Dry skin
- Thirst
- Frequent urination
- Softening of cervix
- Constipation
- Lower-back pain