The baby has finally arrived and it feels like that boost of nesting energy left too quickly. Many moms feel postpartum exhaustion and simply need a bit of time to rest-up while her body is changing, yet again, and trying to return to normal.

Causes of Postpartum Exhaustion
The most evident cause of postpartum exhaustion is the birthing process. It can take hours for a woman to push a baby from the womb into the world. If pain medications were used during the labor, these can have a tiring effect for up to 24 hours after birth. If labor was natural, the body must rest in order to recover from using up tons of energy during birth.

Changes in the body can also lead to postpartum exhaustion. The need for increased energy happens immediately with the production of colostrums and breast milk, even if you choose not to breastfeed. Decreasing hormones, uterine cleansing, and loss of blood, can all attribute to feeling exhausted.

Important Facts About Postpartum Exhaustion
Yes, there is a baby to take care of but you need to care for yourself as well. Resting after the baby is born is essential to a healthy postpartum recovery. Many new moms choose to nap when the baby naps and awaken when the baby awakens. Having someone on hand for the first few days after the baby is born to help around the house, and with other children if necessary, is often a great idea.

Treatment for Postpartum Exhaustion
Sleep is the best treatment for exhaustion of any kind. If you are breastfeeding, being awakened every two hours can give you little time to sleep. Some parents choose to pump breast milk for overnight feedings in order to give mom a break occasionally. Choosing this option requires mom to pump breast milk at night and overnight for storage. The female body produces hormones that pass on to baby at night to induce sleep. During the day, breast milk is filled with energy boosters for baby so using milk pumped during the day may keep baby awake longer.